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What You Need to Know to be Successful on a Protein Diet

I don’t know about you, but when I hear about someone on a Protein Diet for weight loss, I am v-e-r-y skeptical. Because, yep, we all know one of those people — the ones who go nuts eating bacon and meatballs and pork chops, along with every other conceivable form of meat — and then say “I’m on a diet.” And then you think, “Yeah — did you happen to mix up the weight loss diet with the weight gainer one???”

Well… let me help you sort this protein weight loss thing out. It actually works.

WHAT!?! Yep, I said it. Protein diets can help you lose weight. You don’t actually have to spend your entire day nibbling away on rabbit food and feeling like you’re going into starvation mode.

HOWEVER: There is a bit more to this whole *Protein for Weight Loss* thing. It is all based on the premise of a thing called “ketosis” — which basically means that the body uses fat as an energy source, instead of sugar. But, without getting all science-y on you, here are some of the things you need to know if you want to try it out:

  • NO — you cannot just go eating 100% protein and shoving anything that has moo’d, oinked or clucked into your mouth. The protein needs to be lean. And, if at all possible, grass fed. Organic meat is always preferable, or at least locally raised in a humane setting. Fatty, processed, hormone & antibiotic-laden meats are not going to be the best option. Of course, I understand that we all have a budget to stick to, but do your darnedest to get the best cuts possible. Visit your local butcher or farmer’s market. Choose free range & cage free over conventionally raised meat. (Would you rather eat a chicken that has spent its life in a tiny cage, or one that is allowed to roam through the grass or around a large space? What will be better for you?)
  • The meat needs to be eaten in the correct portions. Eat too much and your body just stores it for later.
  • NEXT — you still need to eat your veggies. And the more raw, the better. You can eat as much of this stuff as you want! Uncooked vegetables provide the enzymes your body needs to break down the dead, cooked foods. Having enzyme stores in your body also helps to cut down on inflammation in the body. (Which is the premise for a raw diet… but that is another conversation, of course).
  • Cooked vegetables are kept to a certain serving size per meal — usually about 2 cups.

If you are wondering if this type of diet might be right for you, please ask!