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Healthy Breakfast Solutions

I have been told for as long as I can remember that a well-balanced breakfast is the best way to start your day.  We have all seen stats on kids who don’t eat a good breakfast before running out the door to school and, we all know what it feels like to crash part way through the morning because A) we didn’t eat enough, or B) we shoved some sugary, carb-loaded crap down the hatch as we rushed off to work.

Here are some great ideas for starting you off on the right track each and every day.  I have tried to find solutions that are not only healthy, but easy to prepare.  Because, if you are anything like me, grabbing breakfast can be a panic situation with 3 minutes to spare before the bus comes, or 10 minutes left to make it on time to a downtown appointment (but that is another post… something about time management???).

Here are some great ideas to start the day with a healthy breakfast and make your most-important meal of the day an easy one:


    Make a large batch of pancakes with low-gluten flour, such as spelt, or with a gluten- free mix.  Fill with blueberries, ground flax and nut or seed butter for extra nutrition.  Freeze in groups of two to 4 for an easy grab to pop in the toaster. A gluten-free almond flour version from Elana’s Pantry can be found here.


    Soak whole oats or chia in nut or seed milk overnight.  In the morning, add seeds, chopped nuts, raisins, chopped apple, banana or other fruit/berries for a delicious breakfast parfait. This recipe from Oh She Glows for Overnight Oats is a good one!


    Start with a base of avocado or nut milk in your blender.  Add a handful or two of spinach or kale, a banana and/or berries, along with a tsp of vanilla and a pinch of sea salt.  Add water and blend for a nutritious drink that you can dash out the door with.  Play with flavours such as pear and ginger, or apple and lime — add other nutrition boosters such as ground flax, kelp flakes, hemp seeds, spirulina, maca, powdered probiotics, or protein powder.  Your creativity is the limit here.  For a faster solution, premix all your ingredients in a zip bag and store in individual serve sizes in the freezer.  Head over to the Raw Family website for some amazing ideas… there are lots!


    Whisk eggs with or without milk (if you prefer to go dairy-less) in a pan.  Cook an omelette and flip onto a plate.  Top with chopped tomato, goat feta and a dash of salt & pepper.  Roll it up.  Eat it.  Easy-peasy.  This recipe found on just uses egg whites, but feel free to use the yolk as well.


    Homemade or store-bought, granola can be a great way to start your day.  Just make sure that, whatever you go with, it is low in sugar.  The one I buy is high in raw seeds and nuts and low in sweetener (this particular brand uses a small amount of honey).  Add plain yogurt and top with fresh berries.  Check for a simple recipe, and you can use maple syrup in place of the rice malt.

Hopefully these meals have made you rethink your trip to the cereal aisle, and given you some ideas for starting the day right.  Even if it is while you are rushing out the door.